Sunday 16 April 2023

A foggy and wets day on Bardsey meant for a lie in after the excitement of last night. The Dotterels were still on the South End and were showing extremely well at times. However, the highlight of the day perhaps was a Greylag Goose that circled the Island a few times before heading north, this is the first for five years!

Dotterel © Ed Betteridge

Greylag Goose © Ed Betteridge

A small passage of hirundines saw a Sand Martin, 11 Swallows and four House Martins logged. The first 'Greenland' Wheatears of the year were on the South End with a minimum of three. The year's first Mistle Thrush flew along the Mountain were a Barn Owl was also flushed. Warblers totalled four Grasshopper Warblers, 40 Blackcaps, 32 Chiffchaffs and 127 Willow Warblers

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