Sunday 30 April 2023

A wet start with a brisk south-westerly wind resulted in a small arrival. Warblers totalled two Sedge Warblers, three Whitethroats, 42 Blackcaps, a Garden Warbler, two Chiffchaffs and 35 Willow Warblers. An increase in Wheatears saw 48 logged including many 'Greenland' types. Whimbrels continue to pass through with a good count of 44 alongside  a Curlew, four Dunlin, two Common Sandpipers and a Ringed Plover over north last night.

Whimbrel  © Ed Betteridge

 Whitethroat © Ed Betteridge

Last night a trip out lamping produced two Dunlins and a Wheatear

Dunlin © Ed Betteridge

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