Monday 1 May 2023

Mild north-westerlies saw an arrival to the Island, the highlights of which were a sizeable influx of Sedge Warblers with 27 recorded. a Garden Warbler, three Spotted Flycatchers, a Hooded Crow, and a Cuckoo. It was a good day for migrant waders as well, with a Lapwing, two Dunlins, a Bar-tailed Godwit, 17 Whimbrels, and three Turnstones all sighted today. 

Sedge Warbler © Ollie King

Other migrants seen included a Buzzard, three Collared Doves, two Whitethroats, 68 Blackcaps, 39 Willow Warblers, three Chiffchaffs, four Rooks, four Sand Martins, 74 Swallows, 23 House Martins, four White Wagtails, 32 Goldfinches, 38 Linnets and five Lesser Redpolls

Seal Cave © Ollie King

Whilst en-route to the East Side to monitor Choughs and the breeding seabirds, the first Green Tiger Beetle of the year was seen at Pen Cristin.

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