Tuesday 2 May 2023

A south-easterly wind did not produce the expected arrival with few birds around today. Warblers were especially in short supply with 18 Blackcaps, nine Sedge Warblers, four Whitethroats, eight Chiffchaffs and 12 Willow Warblers. However, an arrival of finches included four Chaffinches, a Siskin, 34 Goldfinches and eight Lesser Redpolls. Other highlights was a Merlin, a Buzzard, five Whimbrels, seven Collared Doves and a Cuckoo

Female Chaffinch © Ed Betteridge

In the afternoon a trip around the East Side to monitor Choughs also resulted in high numbers of Razorbill, Herring Gull and Shag eggs as well as the first Great Black-backed Gull eggs.

Herring Gull nest © Ed Betteridge

Razorbills © Ed Betteridge

In the late evening a bird up of Swallows feeding above the mountain totalled 61 with a few House Martins amongst them. 

Pale Pinion was the highlight of the moth trap last night © Ed Betteridge

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