Friday 7 April 2023

Light easterlies and golden sunshine made for a stunning day on the Island and an almost Mediterranean feel (if only it were a little warmer). The highlight was an asylum of five Red-throated Divers feeding off the West Coast, as well as a distant single fly-through. A Great Tit (first of the year) was trapped and ringed at Cristin

Dodgy record shot of the Red-throated Divers!  © Ollie King

A small movement of Hirundines was noted with 23 Sand Martins, 28 Swallows and a House Martin recorded moving north. White Wagtail numbers also increased today to six on Solfach, whilst two Grey Plovers were seen again on Carreg Honwy. 

A small number of finches were also moving through with a two Chaffinches, a Siskin, six Goldfinch and 16 Linnets recorded. Other species seen today included six Curlews, eight Purple Sandpipers, a Rook, two Blackcaps, four Chiffchaffs, three Willow Warblers, and five Goldcrests.

Male Linnet passing through the Island © Ollie King

The good weather saw some Lepidoptera reveal themselves in the form of two Green-veined Whites, two Small Tortoiseshells, and a Peacock all seen at Cristin.

Great Tit  © Ollie King

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