Saturday 13 May 2023

Building northerlies didn't have us hopeful for much migratory action for the Global eBird Big Day, but there was a nice mix of migrants on the Island today, which included a Merlin, a Cuckoo in Ty Nessaf pines, a Golden Plover, a Dunlin, three Whimbrels, a Collared Dove, a Grasshopper Warbler, a Spotted Flycatcher, and a Swift powering north from the South End. 

Golden Plover  © Ed Betteridge

Other migrants today included a Sand Martin, 42 Swallows, and 15 House Martins, a White Wagtail, two Song Thrushes, 11 Sedge Warblers, three Whitethroats, nine Blackcaps, a Chiffchaff, two Rooks, three Siskins, and six Lesser Redpolls

Siskin © Ollie King

The morning today was spent carrying out the second round of Breeding Bird Surveys (with a modified methodology for the Island), alongside some preliminary checks of the Manx Shearwater burrows which we use to monitor their annual productivity. 

Lepidoptera today saw 13 Green-veined Whites, two Large Whites, a Small White, a Small Copper, a Peacock, and three Silver Y moths all logged. 

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