Wednesday 17 May 2023

Light south-easterlies saw a small mix of migrants arrive to the Island, with a Hooded Crow flying south over the Lowlands the highlights. A movement of Lesser Redpolls was noted as 22 were recorded, mostly flying south. 

Siskin © Ollie King

Elsewhere, migrants of note included two Sandwich Terns off the West Coast, four Ringed Plovers, a Dunlin, two Whimbrels, a Turnstone, a Collared Dove, three Swifts, two Sand Martins, 63 Swallows, 27 House Martins, a Blackcap, and two Chiffchaffs. The Grasshopper Warbler at Ty Pellaf reedbed was still reeling in the evening again. 

Most of the afternoon was spent around the East Side, continuing work on our Chough and seabird monitoring projects. All the gull nests around Pen Cristin were counted as well as their contents. Back to of breeding 'landbirds', the first juvenile Robins of the year were seen in Plas Withy. 

Thrift coming into flower at the South End Siskin © Ollie King

The invertebrate excitement of the day came in the form of a Blue-tailed Damselfly - the first of the year, which was seen at Ty Pellaf

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