Thursday 11 May 2023

Westerlies dropped later on in the day, and resulted in a gorgeous afternoon of sun and clear skies on the Island. There was some migratory movement noted today, with the highlights being a Hooded Crow over the Lowlands, whilst two two Yellow Wagtails flew north from the South EndHirundines movement saw 36 Swallows, a Sand Martin, and six House Martins recorded whilst finches of note today included five Siskins and 15 Lesser Redpolls heading south. 

Sedge Warbler ringed at Cristin © Ollie King

It was the second round of Breeding Bird Surveys today which covered the north end of the Island. Most of the breeding species were belting their songs first thing this morning, though Wheatears have become much more secretive than before, as most pairs will have the female incubating eggs currently! 

Other species recorded today were a Grasshopper Warbler reeling away in Ty Pellaf reedbed in the evening, seven Sedge Warblers, nine Whitethroats, 11 Blackcaps, a Chiffchaff, a Willow Warbler, two Goldcrests, two Rooks, a Dunlin, five Purple Sandpipers, seven Whimbrels, nine Turnstones, and two Collared Doves.

Sunset with clear skies © Ollie King

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