Monday 19 June 2023

A quiet day for migrants saw four Curlews and a Collared Dove logged. Whilst the Shelducks still have nine chicks in Solfach and the Goldcrest pair at Nant fledged at least four young.

The afternoon was spent at Bae Felan ringing more Razorbill chicks and doing the first good amount of Guillemot chicks. A further ten Shag chicks were also ringed making it 247 for the year and betting the previous highest annual total of 243 in 1989 and second highest total of 239 last year!

A rather cute Puffling © Ed Betteridge

The record breaking Shag chicks! © Ed Betteridge

Good to see the Storm Petrel in the nest box at Bae Felan has now got an egg © Meg Betteridge
A juvenile Carrion Crow was unexpected to say the least on the ledges with the auks! © Ed Betteridge

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