Sunday 18 June 2023

Light south easterlies resulted in some further movement today with two Teal on Pwll Cain, 12 Common Scoters went south off the West Coast, a Lapwing flew high over Nant, a Whimbrel, four Curlews, six Black-headed Gulls, two Sandwich Terns off the South End, a Collared Dove, 23 Starlings, and a Siskin at Nant. Another pair of Shelduck have fledged young in Solfach with nine ducklings seen today!

Cloud hugging the Mountain at dawn © Ollie King

The last round of the CBC Breeding Bird Survey was undertaken, with today's survey at the Wetlands. Due to the time of year, fewer birds are singing as territories are largely established, but Meadow Pipits are still singing heartily, and Wrens keep hammering their loud song home! 

Eyed Hawkmoth © Ollie King

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