Sunday 11 June 2023

Incredibly, the weather continued with full sun during the day, will it ever rain again? A small arrival included a Spotted Flycatcher and Cuckoo at Nant and four Starlings in the Wetlands. 

In the afternoon we focused on ringing the Gull chicks in the North End colony. In total, 70 Herring and five Lesser Black-backed Gulls were ringed. Hopefully, we will gain a better understanding of movement and survival from these birds.

The moth trap was very busy last night thanks to some cloud and warm temperatures. In total 56 species were caught at Cristin including island rarities of Clouded Silver, Barred Red, Light Arches, Pebble Prominent and Northern Rustic.

Herring Gull © Ed Betteridge

Stonechat © Ed Betteridge

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