Saturday 10 June 2023

Further calm winds graced the Island, and birding remained quiet again. Avian highlights included a very late Tree Pipit on the track towards Plas, a Whimbrel, a Curlew, two Feral Pigeons, three Swifts, and a Starling were all the migrants of note today. 

Sedge Warbler © Ollie King

After changeover, the Assistant Wardens did some further work on the Manx Shearwater tagging project, by checking the burrows of tagged birds to monitor the departure/arrival of tagged individuals. We managed to retrieve one tag, so it will be interesting to find out where it has been foraging during the egg incubation stage. Later on, we went around the East Side to Pen Cristin and continued our seabird monitoring work, this time focussing on Herring Gull chicks and any Shag nests present in the area. In total, 48 gull chicks were ringed. 

Herring Gull chick © Ollie King

Shag chicks in the nest © Ollie King

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