Tuesday 13 June 2023

It may still be June, but for some species autumn passage has already started especially waders with two Redshanks a clear sign of this. Other waders today included a Lapwing and two Curlews. The highlight of the day were four Black Guillemots seen flying past the South End by Gareth from his boat! Elsewhere, the best day for Swifts for the year saw 23 logged alongside two Sandwich Terns and a Cuckoo.

Swift © Ed Betteridge

The afternoon was spent at Bae Felen focussing on auk chicks. This resulted in a good catch of 27 adult Guillemots of which 14 were retraps including a bird not ringed on Bardsey! Also ringed today was 40 Razorbill chicks with the first Guillemot chicks now hatching.

Guillemot © Ed Betteridge
Razorbill chick © Ed Betteridge

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