Wednesday 14 June 2023

The second trip of the year to the Gwylan Islands was undertaken today, where we continued our seabird monitoring work. Almost all eggs had hatched this time round, so many more of young of Great Black Backed Gulls, Herring GullsShags, Cormorants, PuffinsGuillemots, and Razorbills were ringed. One of the adult Guillemots we retrapped was originally ringed as a chick in 1987, making it 35 years old! We also caught the same bird last year. Sadly there was no sign of the Canada Geese goslings and nest on this visit. We managed to get to both Islands (Ynys Gwyland Fawr and Ynys Gwlan Bach) again, thanks to Colin and his knowledge of the waters in the area!

Puffling © Ollie King

Shag chicks - they'll be fledging fairly soon © Ollie King

Until next time Gwylans! © Ollie King

Back on Enlli, it was a fairly quiet day with a Reed Warbler, three Curlews, a Collared Dove, and a flock of 24 Linnets at Ty Pellaf the avian highlights. The first Emperor Dragonfly of the year was seen at Ty Pellaf late in the afternoon. 

Sunset over the West Coast © Ollie King

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