Friday 23 June 2023

Last night we had another successful Storm Petrel ringing season with guests with a total of 15 new birds and two retraps including a bird ringed last week on the Llyn. And of course you can't ring Storm Petrels without catching a few Manx Shearwaters with a handful caught. 

Storm Petrel © Steve Stansfield

Guests enjoying the opportunity to handled a Storm Petrel © Steve Stansfield

The weather was again wet and windy so the day was spent inputting some of the 100's of seabird ringing data collected over the last month. This included looking through some of the recoveries which included an adult Razorbill trapped on 16th May at Seal Cave that was originally ringed as a chick on Fair Isle in 2009. 

Razorbill © Ed Betteridge

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