Thursday 22 June 2023

Today saw the third and final visit to the Gwylan Islands to finish monitoring and ringing the breeding seabirds. However, the weather almost but a stop to this with dense fog but the flat calm seas and radar meant we could still go...

Atmospheric boat trip © Ed Betteridge

Manx Shearwater © Ed Betteridge

For most of the morning we were immersed in fog which gave it a slightly eerie feel being on a uninhabited island. However, this didn't stop play with 28 Guillemots chicks and four adults ringed. This was followed by a look for any gull chicks that hadn't been ringed yet with 13 Great Black-backed Gulls, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 20 Herring Gulls ringed. A further ten Shags were ringed with the day ending ringing 14 Puffins and 25 Pufflings

One of four adult Guillemots ringed © Ed Betteridge

A rather cute Puffling © Ed Betteridge

Some of the Great Black-backed Gulls are now very large and able to fly © Ed Betteridge

Also seen of the Gwylans was a rather unexpected Song Thrush sat on rocks with the Rock Pipits, a Common Sandpiper, a Mediterranean Gull and a Hummingbird Hawkmoth. Whilst back on Bardsey birds included two Lapwings, ten Curlews, two Whimbrels and three Redshanks.

Spot the Mediterranean Gull!  © Ed Betteridge

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