Thursday 8 June 2023

The winds gently wafted from the East again, and the Island was graced with golden sunshine and blue skies again. Migration-wise it's quieting up a little, yet there was still seven Swifts that scythed over the Narrows in the evening, alongside a Storm Petrel in the boulder scree around Bae Felen, four Dunlins, a Whimbrel, two Curlews, four Sandwich Terns off the West Coast, a Feral Pigeon, a Collared Dove, seven Willow Warblers, and two Chiffchaffs

Male Stonechat © Ollie King

We carried out more seabird monitoring today, focussing on counting and ringing any accessible Herring Gull and Razorbill chicks around Bae Felen. We also did some further work on the Chough monitoring project by colour-ringing the chicks on the West Coast. 

Colour-ringed Chough chick © Ollie King

Another sunset for the collection! © Ollie King

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