Monday 3 July 2023

It was another quiet day for migration on the Island with the highlights including nine Curlews, a Redshank, and a Common Sandpiper on Solfach. In the afternoon, more of the Manx Shearwater census was done, with two more of the North End squares being completed. 

In the afternoon, we went through the photographs taken from boat trips earlier in the year of the ledges round the East Side as part of our seabird population monitoring work. 

One of the busier Guillemot ledges © Ollie King

The first few Manx Shearwater chicks are starting to hatch, after the adults have incubated their egg for c.50 days! Always a great time of the year and a privilege to be able to monitor the chicks.

Manxie chick © Ollie King

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