Sunday 2 July 2023

Early July is not the most productive time for migrants but Waders are still passing through with the first Black-tailed Godwit of the year alongside a Common Sandpiper, a Redshank, 23 Curlews and two Whimbrels

There are still eight Shelduck ducklings  © Ed Betteridge

This afternoon saw staff go round to ring the Kittiwake chicks just north of Seal Cave. This turned out to be more successful then expected with 30 chicks caught with similar numbers still too small to ring. These became the first Kittiwake chicks to be ringed on Bardsey since 2005 and will hopefully provide some important data on chick survival and dispersal. Alongside the Kittiwakes a further 55 Guillemot chicks and two adults. 

Kittiwake chick  © Ed Betteridge

A rather cute Kittiwake chick © Ed Betteridge

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