Saturday 1 July 2023

Strong westerlies blew straight through the Island again today, making it a quiet day for any migratory movement. Curlew numbers continue to build as the first failed breeders of the year start to return from breeding grounds, with 19 recorded. Other waders included a Whimbrel, a Redshank, and a Common Sandpiper on Solfach. In recent days, some of the juvenile Rock Pipits and Pied Wagtails that have fledged are now learning to feed and catch sand-hoppers on Solfach!

We spent more time undergoing seabird monitoring around the East Side today, this time targeting Razorbills. The Razorbill chick ringing total hit 300, beating the previous highest record in a year of 286! 

The 300th Razorbill chick ringed this year © Ed Betteridge

There was also an adult that we photographed, that was ringed as a chick in 1988 and recaught in 1998, but not seen since, making the bird 35 years old! This seems to be the second oldest Razorbill ever recorded in the UK, but slightly behind the world record of 42 years old.

The second oldest Razorbill in the UK! © Ed Betteridge

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