Wednesday 5 July 2023

More Numenius passage was observed today as a flock of 27 Curlews and a Whimbrel were seen on Carreg yr Honwy, whilst at land the only migrant of note was a Collared Dove at Cristin. A juvenile Whitethroat was also ringed at Cristin this morning.

The wild flowers on Bardsey are out in good numbers currently, with some nice species on show such as Bell Heather. Paddy Jenks has been on the Island for the last three weeks recording all flora species present as part of a project to update the Island's botanical species list, alongside their distribution. Thanks to Paddy for teaching us more about all the flora here!

Bell Heather © Ollie King 

Lepidoptera were out in force again as 45 Meadow Browns, a Grayling, three Small Tortoiseshells, two Red Admirals, and a Green-veined White

Small Tortoiseshell catepillars © Ollie King

Six-spot Burnet © Ollie King

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