Thursday 6 July 2023

Due to the weather and tide times this morning was spent ringing the last few accessible Kittiwake chicks with 16 more ringed. A presumably migratory Ringed Plover flew over the Mountain first thing with seven Curlews, a Common Sandpiper and two Whimbrels on the Narrows. A Swift went south of the South End and the Grasshopper Warbler was again reeling from Ty Pellaf Reedbed.

Kittiwake chick © Ed Betteridge

Last night a moth trap was placed at Pen Cristin, this resulted in a good catch of 120 Crescent Darts alongside 16 Garden Tigers, four Dark Sword Grass and a Pale Mottled Willow. With a Rush Veneer caught at Cristin. 
Moth trap at Pen Cristin © Ed Betteridge

A selection of the catch © Ed Betteridge

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