Friday 7 July 2023

Strong south-easterlies dropped later on in the afternoon, which saw a small amount of overhead movement with 19 Swifts, a Whimbrel, a Curlew, and six Black-headed Gulls travelling through the Island's airspace. On the deck a Collared Dove and a Chiffchaff were the only migrants of note present. 

With the drop in the winds we gave the Lunar Hornet Moth lure a go, and had some success! At least two males came to the pheromones: one lingered for a little while whilst the other cleared off as soon as it had appeared. It was good for other Lepidoptera today with the third record of Comma this year (an Island scarcity), alongside 52 Meadow Browns, 13 Green-veined Whites, two Large Whites, three Red Admirals and two Peacocks.

Lunar Hornet Moth (record shot!) © Ollie King

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