Saturday 8 July 2023

South-easterlies gusted through the Island again,  producing an arrival of avian migrants with the highlights being an unseasonable Great-spotted Woodpecker in the Withies, five Swifts, a Collared Dove, six Goldfinches, three Whimbrels, nine Curlews, and four Common Sandpipers. The resident Grasshopper Warbler was heard piping again with its reeling song, though no youngsters have been seen yet. Excitingly, later in the evening a juvenile Little Owl was seen on the main track! A pair has sneakily bred without any detection, aside from a single sighting of an adult earlier in April. 

Butterflies across the Island today included three Commas and two Peacocks amongst the Red Admirals and Small Tortoiseshells

Small Tortoiseshell © Ed Betteridge

Comma © Ed Betteridge

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