Monday 10 July 2023

Today was somewhat of a wash-out, with heavy winds from the south that made it rain sideways. As a result there were very few birds seen today. The highlight was seeing the Shelduck family on Solfach, with seven chicks still present! These parents have been very vigilant (relative to other pairs on the Island) and have managed to fend off any predators successfully. The chicks are getting towards a size where they will be less susceptible to predation, so fingers crossed for them.

The Shelduck family on Solfach © Ollie King

In the afternoon there was a break in the wind and rain, which made for a surprise appearance of three Commas in the garden at Cristin, alongside a Small Tortoiseshell and four Meadow Browns

The LSA hut in all its glory this afternoon, once the weather had cleared © Ollie King

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