Wednesday 23 August 2023

A morning seawatch off the West Coast was generally quiet but two Shoveler south with a flock of nine Whimbrels were unexpected and the first for four years. Along with an Arctic Skua, a Common Tern , six Sandwich Terns and ten Dunlins. A juvenile Mediternean Gull was on the rocks in Solfach with six Purple Sandpipers on the Narrows. A short seawatch off Henllywn produced a Balearic Shearwater

Ringing at Cristin produced a unexpected Tree Pipit plus the Melodious Warbler again, four House Martins and four Swallows. An increase in Robins around the Island saw a total of 14 with a Spotted Flycatcher at Nant.

Tree Pipit © Ed Betteridge

Melodious Warbler © Ed Betteridge

An evening walk to Solfach in light drizzle saw 11 Black-tailed Godwits fly south alongside two Knots, two Sanderling, a Dunlin and three Ringed Plovers

Knot © Ed Betteridge

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