Tuesday 22 August 2023

The winds stayed at south-westerly for another day and again the attention was on the sea. A Cory's Shearwater went pass the South End early door. Along the West Coast from Cristin a Pomarine Skua, five Arctic Skuas, a Balearic Shearwater, three Sabine's Gulls, a Little Tern, 572 Arctic Terns, 32 Common Terns, four 'Commic' Terns, 979 Kittiwakes, three Common Gulls and two Mediternean Gulls.

Seawatching from the South End © Ewan Turner

Elsewhere, a Knot flew over Henllywn, 11 Whimbrels were around the Narrows, six Sand Martins flew south and the Melodious Warbler was retrapped in the Heligoland Trap having gained 2.8g in the last four days.

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