Tuesday 15 August 2023

An increase in the wind and clear skies meant much of the birds from yesterday departed overnight with just 19 Willow Warblers and four Spotted Flycatchers logged. Elsewhere, first Tree Pipit of the autumn went south, a summer plumage Knot was briefly on Solfach, two Balearic Shearwaters, three Dunlins and a Common Scoter went along the West Coast, a Little Egret was on Pwll Gareth, Purple Sandpipers increased to four, a Goldfinch at Cristin was the first for some time and two Buzzards were seen over the Mountain. 

Student birding at Nant during morning census © George Rossini

During the afternoon the students either went out ringing Manx Shearwater chicks or went out on a boat trip with Gareth to get a closer look at the seabirds! This was then followed by an evening swim.

Common Seal © Ed Betteridge

Crystal Jellyfish © George Rossini

Grey Seal © George Rossini

The evening was spent ringing Storm Petrels © Kate Fox

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