Sunday 20 August 2023

Due to strong south-westerlies yesterday the boat was delayed until this afternoon; therefore, a seawatch was in order for the morning. Weirdly, after none yesterday a total of 63 Sandwich Terns went south with 72 Arctic Terns, 13 'Comic' Terns, a Black Tern, two Arctic Skuas, a possible Long-tailed Skua, two Common Gulls and a Common Scoter; with a Red-throated Diver north. Elsewhere, a Spotted Flycatcher was at Cristin.  

Today we said good bye to this years students; we would like to thank each and everyone of them for their enthusiasm and hard work during the week! We also welcomed many familiar faces onto the Island for this week's 70th anniversary celebration as well as Ewan Turner who first came on a University week last year and is now back to volunteer for the next six weeks.

2023 University Students 

Smiles all round on the boat home! © Ed Puddington

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