Monday 28 August 2023

The winds were still blowing from the north-west however, the sea was quiet with just a single Arctic Tern. A Pied Flycatcher was at Nant with a Spotted Flycatcher in the Withies, a Tree Pipit at Cristin with three White Wagtails over north, four Whimbrels were around the Narrows and a Whinchat at Ty Pellaf. The biggest surprise, was a flock of 24 Ravens that circled the Mountain and headed north. A total of 162 Linnets were a good counts.

The afternoon was spent monitoring the last breeding seabirds; this included ringing two very late Shag Chicks, checking on the Storm Petrels and counting the Fulmar chicks. 

Shag chick © Ed Betteridge

A rather cute Storm Petrel chick © Ed Betteridge

A slightly larger Storm Petrel chick © Ed Betteridge

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