Friday 8 September 2023

Ringing at Cristin during the morning produced the first three Grey Wagtails and a Song Thrush to being ringed this year alongside a Garden Warbler, eight Goldcrests and three Chiffchaffs. A further seven Grey Wagtails went over. 

Grey Wagtail © Ed Betteridge 

Garden Warbler © Ed Betteridge 

A Whinchat was in the Wetlands with two Reed Warbler in the Withies and a Spotted Flycatcher at Cristin. A Collared Dove was at the North End and Robins totalled 22. A Purple Sandpiper was in Solfach with a Common Gull there and one along the West Coast and a Snipe on the South End. An increase in Goldcrests saw 36 logged.

Common Gull © Ed Betteridge 

The 14th Delicate for Bardsey was in the moth trap © Ed Betteridge 

Vestal © Ed Betteridge 

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