Thursday 7 September 2023

The weather continued in fine fashion with the first Wigeon of the autumn passed the South End along with a Merlin, 65 House Martins, three Golden Plovers and a Skylark. Solfach had three Sanderlings and a Knot still with a Snipe on the Narrows.

Two Crossbills circled Cristin early morning before locating to Nant. Other finches on the move included two Goldfinches and four Siskins. Wagtails were on the move with a Yellow Wagtail and 14 Grey Wagtails over. A juvenile Cuckoo was in the Withies and a late Swift was with hirundines above Cristin. Warblers totalled two Whitethroats, two Chiffchaffs, 11 Willow Warblers and two Blackcaps. Goldcrest numbered 20 with two Spotted Flycatchers and a Pied Flycatcher. Meadow Pipits have been increasing daily with 162 today.

Colour ringed Dunlin ringed at Ynyslas on 2 September © Ed Betteridge

Knot © Ed Betteridge
One of three Sanderlings © Ed Betteridge

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