Wednesday 6 September 2023

Sunny skies and light wind made for an extremely hot day with temperatures hitting 27 degrees! The stand out highlight of the day was a juvenile BLACK KITE which flew low through the Wetlands mid-morning before circling high over the Mountain before it flew high south alongside another distant bird of prey, probably a Harrier moments before! This is only the sixth Island record, following the last in 2020! 

Black Kite © Ed Betteridge

Black Kite © Ed Betteridge

Black Kite © Ed Betteridge

Morning ringing at Cristin produced another female Sparrowhawk after last weeks bird, however, it was otherwise quiet with a new Whitethroat, two Robins and a Goldcrests caught alongside four retrap Goldcrests. During the afternoon, incredibly a second female Sparrowhawk was caught in the Withies!

Sparrowhawk © Ed Betteridge

Sparrowhawk © Ed Betteridge
Other birds today included a Cuckoo, a Knot, a Goldfinch, ten Willow Warblers, a Sand Martin, a Collared Dove, nine Sandwich Terns, and an Arctic Skua

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