Tuesday 5 September 2023

North-easterly winds and clear skies saw a decent arrival across the Island. Today is now labelled 'House Martin' day and after a few small arrivals in August today saw a 'proper' arrival with 327 logged including 77 trapped during the morning at Cristin! Swallows were also still moving with 47 alongside two Sand Martins.

Adult (left) and juvenile (right) House Martins © Ed Betteridge

Solfach still held good numbers of birds including a Knot, four Sanderlings, seven Dunlins, eight Ringed Plovers and 38 Black-headed Gulls. Four Sandwich Terns were in Henllywn with two Common Sandpipers along the West Coast with an Arctic Skua off shore. 

Turnstones © Ed Betteridge

The first Skylark of the autumn was in the fields along the West Coast with a total of seven Spotted Flycatchers and a Pied Flycatcher. Goldcrests were on the rise with 26 with a Collared Dove at Ty Pellaf and a Kestrel over the Mountain. The day ended with a Short-eared Owl hunting around Solfach after dark. An afternoon arrival of Wheatears saw a total of 107 logged. 

Spotted Flycatcher © Ed Betteridge

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