Monday 4 September 2023

The wind turned easterly and brought in rather too nice weather with light winds and clear skies making the temperature hit 27 degrees!! Waders continue to pass through with four Sanderlings, nine Ringed Plovers, three Whimbrels, 55 Turnstones, 13 Dunlins and two Common Sandpipers. 14 Black-headed Gulls joined the larger gulls fly catching over the Narrows. A Whinchat was on the South End with a Tree Pipit between Ty Pellaf and Cristin.

Sanderling © Ed Betteridge

Swallows were seemingly on the move with a total of 110 including 64 sat on Plas rooftops alone. The Wagtail flock was still around with 124 recorded with many of these being whites. An arrival of Robins was evident with 22 around the Island with two new birds caught in the Cristin Heligoland trap. 

Storm Petrel chick © Ed Betteridge

Rush Veneer © Ed Betteridge

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