Sunday 3 September 2023

The wind went easterly and brought with it a range of autumn migrants. The first Merlin of the autumn was on the South End with the first five Snipe along the West Coast. A Firecrest was new in at Ty Pellaf with incredibly a Barn Owl and a Short-eared Owl at Nant and Pen Cristin respectively. Solfach had three Sanderlings, 14 Dunlins and 13 Ringed Plovers with only the second Greenshank flying low over the Narrows calling. A good movement of Black-headed Gulls saw 63 pass alongside seven Sandwich Terns around Carrag y Honwy. 

There were still good numbers of hirundines around with 93 Swallows, a Sand Martin and 43 House Martins. A total of 75 'Alba' Wagtails were still around the coast with four Grey Wagtails over the South End early doors. A Song Thrush was at Ty Pellaf.

Turnstone © Ed Betteridge

Two Moorhens were dazzled and colour-ringed this evening © Ed Betteridge

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