Sunday 10 September 2023

Strong easterlies continued, the day started well with the second Spotted Redshank over the South End; apart from this year the last was 16 years ago! Ringing at Cristin was highlighted by a Spotted Flycatchers with two Reed Warblers being caught in the Withies. A Whinchat was on the South End with a total of 18 Grey Wagtails over. Out to sea off the West Coast a flock of 30 Bar-tailed Godwits went south. The Wigeon was still in the Wetlands. 

Spotted Flycatcher © Ed Betteridge
During the afternoon the second 'good' bird of the day was found when a Wryneck appeared behind the School House. The bird proved to be a bit elusive and mobile however, was seen well a few times. Other birds today included a Water Rail, a Kestrel, two Golden Plovers, a Sandwich Tern, a Collared Dove, a Siskin, a Lesser Redpoll, 27 Goldcrests, five White Wagtails, 121 Meadow Pipits and six Wheatears.

Wryneck © Ewan Turner

An adult Magpie was a surprise catch in the Lowlands © Ed Betteridge

Six Ringed Plovers were dazzled during the evening © Ed Betteridge

The fourth Large Ranunculus for Bardsey was caught in the moth trap © Ed Betteridge

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