Monday 11 September 2023

The Wryneck was still around the School House with a young male Redstart between here and Ty Pellaf. Nant was the busiest location with a Barn Owl, 16 Chiffchaffs, three Willow Warblers, three Blackcaps, 11 Goldcrests and two Firecrests with a Firecrest, a Blackcap, four Chiffchaffs and five Goldcrests being ringed. The juvenile Cuckoo was still around the Withies with the Wigeon still in the Wetlands. A total of six Grey Wagtails went over. 

A Short-eared Owl was on the Mountain above Cristin were in spent some time flying around being mobbed by Magpies and Hirundines. Three Teals were new in on Solfach with eight Knot flying north along the West Coast.

Light drizzle mid-morning brought a good passage of migrating hirundines with 692 Swallows, 340 House Martins and a Sand Martin heading north over the Narrows then the Mountain.  

Wryneck © Ed Betteridge
Short-eared Owl © Ed Betteridge

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