Sunday 8 October 2023

Calmer weather today was the break in the weather migrating birds needed to continue their journey south. Finches dominated with 15 Greenfinches, 39 Siskins, 144 Linnets, 93 Goldfinches, 47 Chaffinches and four Lesser Redpolls. Other overhead totals were 12 Skylarks 30 Swallows 355 Meadow Pipit, 44 Alba Wagtails, two Grey Wagtails and 18 Starlings. The first Black Redstart of the autumn was at Cristin.

Black Redstart © Steve Stansfield

One of three Lesser Redpolls caught © Ed Betteridge

Out to see a notable 168 Common Scoters went south alongside 11 Mediternean Gulls, two Sandwich Terns, 37 Black-headed Gulls and four Common Gulls. The warmer weather saw a Peacock, a Painted Lady, ten Red Admirals and four Small Tortoiseshells logged.

Other totals were two Grey Herons, a Kestrel, two Golden Plovers, five Purple Sandpipers, a Whimbrel, five White Wagtails, 56 Goldcrests, 11 Chiffchaffs and a Rook.

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