Monday 9 October 2023

Light south-westerlies was calm enough to see large numbers of birds moving past the Island today. Finches dominated overhead with a Island record count of 1386 Goldfinches passing over (394 in 2022 previous record) alongside 418 Linnets, 511 Siskins (doubly the previous record), a Brambling, 14 Lesser Redpolls and 24 Chaffinches. Other vismig 137 Starlings, two Reed Buntings, 11 Rooks, 56 Alba Wagtails, eight Grey Wagtails, a House Martin, 168 Swallows and 274 Skylarks

Out to sea a 931 Common Scoter went south; this is three times more than the previous record day count! These were joined by a Tufted Duck (first for two years), 13 Wigeons, three Teals, 16 Mediternean Gulls, 72 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 67 Black-headed Gulls, 25 Common Gulls, an Arctic Skua, a Common Tern and 447 Razorbills

Ringing at Cristin was highlighted by a Redwing, a Song thrush, a Blackcap, 13 Goldfinches, two Linnets, a Lesser Redpoll, a Siskin, two Chaffinches, 20 Goldcrests and three Chiffchaffs. With 16 more Rock Pipits ringed in the Heligoland trap on Solfach.  

Linnet © Ed Betteridge

Redwing © Steve Stansfield

Elsewhere, the Black Redstart was still at Cristin, the first eight Redwings and a Fieldfare of the autumn arrived, a Lapwing went over the Narrows, a Greenfinch was in the Withies and a Little Owl was calling above Carrag Bach. 

Black Redstart © Ed Betteridge

Other totals included two Grey Herons, a Kestrel, five Teals, a Water Rail, a Golden Plover, 26 Purple Sandpipers, three Dunlins, five Snipe, three Whimbrels, 76 Turnstones, 384 Meadow Pipits, three White Wagtails, 45 Robins, three Blackcaps, 20 Chiffchaffs and 56 Goldcrests.

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