Saturday 25 May 2024

Calm south-easterlies saw some arrival to the Island. A total of 17 Shelducks was the highest count of the year with a Reed Warbler in the Withies, three Spotted Flycatchers and two Garden Warblers. A surprise flock of 32 Choughs landed briefly along the West Coast before heading over Pen Cristin; from two colour rings read these seemed to be first-year non-breeders with three Jackdaws around Plas. A Bar-tailed Godwit was heard in the early morning whilst Manx Shearwater ringing with a decent overhead passage around the South End during the afternoon of three Swifts, 120 Swallows, two Sand Martins and 30 House Martins.  

Part of the Chough flock © Ed Betteridge

Jackdaws © Ed Betteridge
After this weeks guests were welcomed, staff headed round the East Side to finish the Auk count in Bae Felen. This included photographing metal ringed birds with 20 birds recorded including two ringed in 2001! Also found was the first Storm Petrels of the year with another brood of Shags ringed on the way.  
Storm Petrel © Ed Betteridge

The day ended with flat calm seas and light cloud perfect for viewing cetaceans off the West Coast from the Observatory. This started well with a pod of Common Dolphins and two Bottlenose Dolphins. This was followed by the odd Harbour Porpoise here and there. Things took a slightly more exciting turn when a Minke Whale breached to the south. The Whale then headed slowly north breaching every few minutes. A perfect way to end the day!  

Other birds included a Grey Heron, a Sparrowhawk, a Buzzard, four Ringed Plovers, five Dunlins, a Curlew, three Turnstones, eight Feral Pigeons, three Collared Doves, two Sedge Warblers, a Whitethroat, three Blackcaps, seven Chiffchaffs, two Willow Warblers, two Goldfinches, two Siskins and six Lesser Redpolls

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