Friday 24 May 2024

South-westerlies and overcast weather with light drizzle saw an arrival of waders with 20 Turnstones and 13 Dunlins in Solfach with five more Turnstones of the South End and a Dunlin in Henllywn. Other waders included seven Whimbrels, six Ringed Plovers and a Purple Sandpiper

Turnstone © Ed Betteridge

Spanish ringed Turnstone © Ed Betteridge

Location of the ringed Turnstone © Ed Betteridge

A Garden Warbler was in the Withies with a migrant Sedge Warbler on the South End and one caught at Cristin, Chiffchaffs numbered four with five Whitethroats. A poor year for Spotted Flycatchers saw eight logged suggesting they might now be starting to 'properly' move. Three Rooks went over the Mountain with a Lesser Redpoll at Cristin and a Goldfinch over the South End. 

Early afternoon, an arrival of hirundines saw a minimum of 70 Swallows, 18 House Martins and two Sand Martins around the South End, Narrows and Wetlands with a further 38 Swallows and six House Martins elsewhere.

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