Wednesday 1 May 2024

On a somewhat calmer day by comparison to recently, with a southeasterly wind combined with some light rain, meant some light passage was seen throughout the day.

New migrants were moving through with a further three Garden Warblers, a male Whinchat briefly showed itself in the garden at Cristin before venturing further up the Mountain and a Cuckoo sang proudly. Other highlights included five Whitethroats, a Lesser Whitethroat, four Chiffchaffs, three Sedge Warblers, 11 Blackcaps, 19 Willow Warblers and up to 28 Wheatears around the island. Along the shoreline two Common Sandpipers and 25 Whimbrels were present. 

Overhead there were 15 Sand Martins and 17 Swallows flying through. Accompanied by eight Siskins, 31 Goldfinches, eight Rooks and 14 Carrion Crows

A pair of Gadwall turned up on the Wetlands, though these form the second record of the species for this year, the last time Gadwall were recorded was 2019. These also constitute the 17th record for Bardsey Island. 

Gadwall with Mallards and Moorhens © Ed Betteridge

Green-veined Whites are the most numerous butterfly at the moment, one of three seen in the Wetlands was sheltering away from the light rain on one of the many stands of Cuckoo Flower. 

Green-veined White on Cuckoo Flower © Jonathan Dodds

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