Thursday 16 May 2024

The day started beautifully calm and sunny with a light South Easterly breeze bringing a few new arrivals, before the wind shifted to the North and brought heavy rain into the evening. 

The highlight was a female Whinchat in the Wetlands, as well as a male Chaffinch singing proudly at Ty Pellaf, and a total of  four Spotted Flycatchers, 12 Goldfinch, 34 Linnets and five Lesser Redpolls. Also seen were a Sand Martin, 11 Swallows and seven House Martins, the latter two including some returning breeders which are now back on territory. 

Warbler totals came to four Sedge Warblers, four Whitethroats, a  Garden Warbler, two Blackcaps, six Chiffchaffs and two Willow Warblers. During a session at Cristin, ringing totals of these came to two Lesser Redpolls, a Goldfinch, a Robin, two Sedge Warblers, two Whitethroats, the Garden Warbler, a Blackcap and a Chiffchaff

Adult male Lesser Redpoll © Ed Betteridge

It was relatively quiet on the wader front, with a Bar-tailed Godwit, a Whimbrel and two Turnstones the highlights on Solfach. 

Other birds included a Grey Heron around the Wetlands, six Shelducks at Pen Cristin, a Buzzard above the Mountain, two Kestrels at Nant, and two Collared Doves around Cristin. The first juvenile Rock Pipits of the year were seen at the North End, as well as a new brood of fluffy Oystercatcher chicks tucked in among the rocks. Cetacean sightings are becoming more frequent, with three Harbour Porpoise seen off the West Coast. 

Following reports of reduced numbers of Guillemots on ledges across the UK, we took advantage of the calm morning weather to head out on the boat to gauge the numbers in comparison to previous years. Watch this space to see how numbers compared to previous years. In the afternoon, the gull nest count continued in the northern section of the East Side. While out there, another adult Shag was colour-ringed - look out for 'BBEB'!

Shag being ringed © Ed Betteridge

Large number of Moon Jellyfish in Henllywn © Ed Betteridge

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