Wednesday 15 May 2024

Strong easterlies winds saw some arrival with a male Kestrel went along the East Side, the Bar-tailed Godwit remained in Solfach with a Whimbrel there and along the West Coast, three Collared Doves were at Nant, a Little Owl was flushed from Nant, three House Martins were around the Lowlands, a male Firecrest was singing at Cristin, two Jackdaws and three Rooks went over, Spotted Flycatchers numbered five with warblers totally three Blackcaps, three Whitethroats, a Sedge Warbler, four Willow Warblers and ten Chiffchaffs with a Chaffinch, 12 Goldfinches, two Siskins and six Lesser Redpolls

Firecrest © Ed Betteridge

During the afternoon the gull nests were counted around Seal Cave and the first Herring Gull chicks were found freshly hatched! 

Herring Gull with nesting material © Ed Betteridge

Herring Gull chicks © Ed Betteridge

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