Tuesday 14 May 2024

Calm easterlies at this time of year always have potential, and today they produced with an Alpine Swift seen hawking over Nant with a mixed Hirudine flock mid-afternoon. The bird was unfortuantly brief being only seen by two day visitors before it gained height and headed north. 

Elsewhere, a female Teal toured the Wetlands and was the first in a while, four vocal Curlews were new in along the West Coast and were possibly a sign of failed breeding nearby, five Purple Sandpipers were on the South End with a Collared Dove at Ty Pellaf. Solfach had a rather nice Bar-tailed Godwit alongside a new Ringed Plover, four Turnstones, two Dunlins and a White Wagtail. Hirudines numbered 23 House Martins, 28 Swallows and five Sand Martins with a Spotted Flycatcher at Nant and Cristin.

Bar-tailed Godwit © Ed Betteridge
Other bird included a Buzzard, 13 Whimbrels, 15 Wheatears, seven Sedge Warblers, three Chiffchaffs, six Willow Warblers, two Whitethroats, two Rooks, a Chaffinch, ten Goldfinches and nine Lesser Redpolls
The afternoon was spent counting gull nests at the North End, this nest showing the variation in egg colour or possible egg dumping by another bird © Ed Betteridge

Razrobill on an egg © Ed Betteridge

A bridled Guillemot after being ringed © Kate Fox

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