Monday 13 May 2024

With the forecast predicted to be wet and windy for most of the day a nocturnal survey into the early hours produced two Whimbrels, four Ringed Plovers, two Dunlins, a Meadow Pipit, a Wheatear and the first Mallard of the year to be ringed. A small number of Manx Shearwaters were also ringed on the South End including a bird ringed as an adult in 1989!

The rain came in around 9am so a early census in a brisk south-easterly was in order. Migrant totals were low with 12 Whimbrels, two Collared Doves, 13 Swallows south, a Spotted Flycatcher, two Willow Warblers, three Chiffchaffs, a Sedge Warbler, two Goldfinches, a Chaffinch and four Lesser Redpolls logged.

Ringed Plover © Ed Betteridge

Whimbrel © Ed Betteridge

Mallard © Ed Betteridge

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