Wednesday 26 June 2024

Clear skies saw the largest Swift passage of the year with 36 hawking over the mountain. Waders are still moving through with a Whimbrel, 19 Curlews, two Redshanks and a Common Sandpiper logged. Three Sandwich Terns were on Carreg y Honwy with two Grey Herons still around the Narrows. 

Today also saw Emmanuel Jatta from Kartong Bird Observatory in The Gambia! He is currently touring the UK and has already been to Skokholm Bird Observatory. Unfortunately, it was a flying visit having only four hours on the Island but this was still long enough to help weigh the Manx Shearwater chicks and join a boat trip around the Island.  

Emmanuel with a Manx Shearwater chick © Kate Fox
The afternoon was spent monitoring the Shag nests around the Southern half of the East Side with a few more broods big enough to ring. Also ringed was a few more Guillemot chicks, a brood of Great Black-backed Gulls and the first Kittiwake chicks.

A rather cute Kittiwake chick © Ed Betteridge

A Shag with a curved bill! Despite this the chick seems to be growing well being similar size to its siblings © Ed Betteridge 

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