Tuesday 25 June 2024

Ten Common Scoters passed the West Coast, a Lapwing flew north and three Curlews were seen on the Narrows. A Grey Wagtail flew over the North End gull colony in the afternoon, and 11 Swifts passed over Cristin. 

The long-staying Grey Heron was joined by another individual on the Narrows, a Collared Dove was bobbing along the rooves at Ty Pellaf along with a Starling, and a Sparrowhawk was mobile around the island with a cloud of chattering Swallows in its wake. 

In the afternoon the team continued their seabird monitoring work, colour ringing several more Shags and gull chicks, as well as ringing seven new adult Fulmars bringing the total to 12 new birds and two retraps, and the final Razorbills of the season. A total of 586 Razorbills have were ringed this year comprising of 180 adults and 406 chicks plus 20 re-rings of old adults with worn rings. This has beaten the record of 481 last year and 325 in 2010!

The final Razorbill chick ringed in 2024! © Kate Fox

Fulmar © Ewan Turner

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