Tuesday 30 July 2024

Clear blue skies with light northerly wind saw four Little Egrets and four Grey Herons in Henllywn, A boat trip around the Island to survey the Kittiwakes and Fulmars saw a juvenile Mediterranean Gull on the South End with 700 Kittiwakes between here and Carrag y Honwy. Four Dunlins were new in on Solfach with 17 Turnstones and a total of three Common Sandpipers. A Raven went high over the Narrows West with a small high overhead movement of Lesser Black-backed Gulls south and a White Wagtail on Solfach. 

Other birds included a Kestrel, a Redshanks, 24 Curlews, two Whimbrels, five Black-headed Gulls, a Sand Martin, 36 Swallows, three Willow Warblers and a Starling.

Kittiwakes © Ed Betteridge

Mediterranean Gull © Ed Betteridge

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